Thursday, May 19, 2011

Seems like all I do is HURT lately...

It's been a while since I have blogged, and all I can blame it on is PAIN that seems to be wearing extra hard on me lately. I know this sounds like a lame excuse of sorts but until you walk the PAIN journey each day and deal constantly with your body just wrapped in a GRIP that refuses to let you relax and feel normal, only then can you have a true understanding of how hard this fight can be.

Now I have new Pain to deal with–hurting teeth from a ton of needed dental work that I finally knew had to be faced and dealt with. But to have MORE Pain added to my already filled plate, it is a challenge that I am really struggling with. Today I had another visit to my dentist. I gritted my way through it, got home and haven't moved from my bed! Bet this sounds to people like I am being a real baby. Let's face it, it's just DENTAL work. But my body is working so HARD to deal with my daily battle, and now the fight just got a lot harder! These are the times when you should nurture yourself. Do things like rest because your body needs the help in order to continue the battle against PAIN.

Its scary because even the strongest PAIN WARRIORS have their moments of doubt, fear, and total exhaustion. The determination to keep FIGHTING is harder to find, and yet somehow, we do FIND our way through it. I am a ton of emotional stumbles that cause me to RAGE against this enemy that I can't SEE. These are the times when I am brought to my knees in PRAYER, begging for HELP from ABOVE. I am only one person–human in every sense of the word–and there is NO way I can get through each day without HIS help. 

So today as I glared up at my dentist when PAIN was settling in, he gave me such needed words to keep pushing through: "Come on, Martha. YOU can do this, I know it!" My glare instantly became a true, heartfelt SMILE. I NEEDED those words of encouragement, and he knew it. 

Please do not give up the fight. Keep pushing back. My JOY was being able to SMILE today, in spite of PAIN. 


  1. Oh, Martha, I'm sorry about your teeth. I've experienced the same thing. I'm praying for you! And I'm glad you received the encouragement you needed just at the right time!

  2. Thank you SO much for the prayers and they helped me! I handled this last appointment much better, but still have a long way to go. Sometimes I feel like this Pain battle is a BUMPER-CAR of sorts, hitting one wall and then another. Lets just keep lifting one another up and looking for the Joy. God bless you.

  3. I'm glad your dental appointment went better! Thank You, Lord!

    I know exactly what you mean. I went for my first-time ever facial yesterday. It was absolutely excruciating! I had to pray to get through the whole hour and 15 min. It was so painful, three times I had to stop her and many times, I had to clench my teeth not to let out a scream. Something that should be so pleasurable was torturous. It exhausted me.

  4. Oh Diane-I am SO sorry for your added Pain. A facial-something that should bring a "bit" of relaxation for you-only elevated the Pain Battle for you! It is hard-if not impossible at times to find somebody that actually understands this simple statement "EVERY BIT OF ME HURTS-SO TAKE IT EASY!" Until people have walked the shoes of Chronic Pain-they don't have a clue to be gentle, nurturing, and loving. I pray you are able to get the Pain settled down some and just know you have my nightly prayers for you, a fellow Warrior!
    God bless you and keep you.
