Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Looking at Pain from a distance

Today, my husband suggested that we take a drive to a nearby town. We needed to get out of the house, away from the constant dry weather and bleary-looking parched earth-anything to get our minds off this hard summer we have been through.

We got to the town and had to pause for a traffic light. As we waited, a husband and his wife began to walk in front of the traffic that was paused, with their one goal being to get safely to the other side. At first glance, all we both saw was a man who had a "rough" appearance, giving signs of having possibly lived a very hard life. Yet he was not that old in years. My husband commented as to the slow pace they were taking to get across. He was afraid the light would change at any moment. But my attention went straight to his wife, a young woman who was guiding her husband across the street. It was painfully obvious as I allowed myself to remove the "shield" of seeing others in pain and force myself to take a hard look. It hurt to see this young man struggling to walk, in obvious pain, a definite limp, knowing he had to rely on his wife to assist him. Yet he walked with his head held high, appearing to simply treasure this simple moment he was having with his wife.

The traffic light changed, and as we slowly drove past them, I looked back to see this young couple smiling and laughing, holding hands, maybe joking with each other, still going about their day as if nothing was wrong. I knew this man was suffering, that he was another member of this wicked club we call Chronic Pain. My heart ached for all he must have lost in his battle, primarily his youth. Pain is vicious and robs the body of so much and can age a person overnight.

As we drove on, I sat in silence, giving myself time to reflect on what I had seen and wondering why this man had walked past me. Then it hit me hard...someone was sending me a message, knowing that I had been feeling down in the dumps this day, weary from my Pain battle. That someone knew I needed a "reminder" of how many others are out there, struggling each day with nightmare Pain, sleepless nights, days in which you just would prefer to stay in bed. Here I was given an example that it is good to get out, feel the sun, take that stroll with your loved one and look for a bit of joy.

This was a good day for me. My self pity took a quick exit, and I also smiled as I held my husband's hand and strolled through the grocery store aisles.  Today I thanked God for showing me this stranger, now another person who I will offer a prayer for.  Joy came today in the most unexpected manner, but it was pure joy.


  1. I loved this post. I could sense your special heart and the joy you experienced; I could picture the man and his wife - great writing, Martha!

  2. Diane-
    Thank you for the loving words of praise and I can still close my eyes and "see" that young couple strolling along seeming to not have a care in the world, but all the while dealing with horrible Pain. It was very sobering for me to witness and I treasure the lesson taught to me. Times like these help me when I feel low and worn out from so much Pain.

    I am so glad you enjoyed this and hope you are feeling a bit better. My prayer for you is that Pain take a "Hike" for a while and give you a much needed break! God Bless. Martha
