Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A constant reminder of Pain

As my husband drives from one new town to another on our extended vacation, I have managed to keep my Pain at a distance. I haven't allowed it to distract me from the beautiful scenery all around us. I know it's important that I take the time to really look around and not miss any of this trip. We stop frequently, which is my time to rest up and do all I can to keep this trip moving.

Yet as we peacefully move along the road, I am being given vivid reminders of how tough Pain can be on a person. Like when I watched an elderly woman struggling to pull herself into her vehicle as she left a community center, possibly having spent time there as a volunteer. My eyes were riveted to her every move, the unsteady walk as she moved the door open, the drawing in of a deep breath for strength to ease into the vehicle, knowing as I watched, here was another fighter, working so hard against the Pain that obviously walks with her each day. My heart spoke a quiet prayer that she continue to find the courage to do things that bring her joy.

Then we found ourselves sitting at a stoplight, waiting for waves of traffic to pass through. My head turned just in time to see a man beginning his slow, pain-filled walk across. Each step he took told me there was agony in his body that never leaves him. Yet here he was, determined to do something that so many take for granted, knowing he might possibly fall, only to have that bring even further agony to his body. Again I whispered a silent prayer to lift him up in his own journey.

As I started this trip and had such difficulty during the first few days, all I felt was sadness and defeat. But I am so blessed to have a loving husband who knew I was on the weak side of the battle and he gave me that shoulder I needed to lean on. I have seen so many people struggling with Pain as we make this trip and a lesson is being taught to me: Keep the fight going to have even a tiny version of normalcy in your life. Pain does not have to take everything from you because there is still so much out there to see and appreciate.

My joy today was watching a tiny toddler struggle to pull herself up into a huge rocking chair that sat outside of a local eatery. Nearby, her mother sat with a watchful eye and steady hand to help her child get into this huge chair. Suddenly, the little girl started to rock the chair, and a smile of pure joy was on her face for me to see. What a blessing this was today!

Please know I keep all who suffer with Chronic Pain in my daily prayers and hope your journey has moments of peace. Keep looking for the joy because it can come in very precious ways.

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