Thursday, November 10, 2011

Were my "Angels" listening today?

My day began way too early because Pain had me wide awake and moving around by four this morning. It was just a repeat of so many rotten Pain days I have been having lately. For whatever reason, my Pain has decided to drag me inside the "boxing arena" and, frankly, I am not getting in many punches to knock my enemy backward!

I found my way through the dark morning, flipped on lights, turned my trusty heating pad on, praying it would quickly ease my aching back, sat down in my comfortable recliner and curled up...with Pain wrapped all around me. Nothing was going to ease the Pain this day so I prayed–a lot on this particular morning–and my body finally relaxed a bit, giving me about an hour of much needed sleep. My husband woke up, took one look at me, and said, "Okay, when would you like to leave for the emergency room? Because trust me, you need to go!"

It did not take me long to agree with his suggestion. Soon we were off for a visit to the hospital, where I was praying that somehow the doctors there could give me some medication that would just take the wicked edge off this Pain that was hacking away at my body. We arrived, and as my Husband was getting settled, I slowly made my way to the receptionist for the normal "check-in" procedure. But this was not going to be normal at all for me! I had been to this emergency room before so my records are there. As this lovely lady asked for my birth date and I was digging through my purse for the insurance card and rattled off my birth date, suddenly everything seemed to stop when the lady said, "You go by Martha Lynn, right?"  

The room grew so quiet. My tears started to flow, and there was no way to stop them. She looked up in shock to see me crying, and asked if she had said something to upset me. How could I explain this to her? My Husband was already involved in a magazine and didn't have a clue as to what was happening as I struggled to pull myself together. As I continued to fight back tears, I told the woman in a trembling voice that "the only two people who ever called me that name were my mom and dad!" She gave me an understanding smile and apologized for upsetting me. My heart quickly spoke and said "Please don't. It's been a long time since I heard my name like that" as I remembered my mom passing in 2000 and my dad passed in 2003. At this moment, it felt they had just passed a few days ago. More tears began to flow and now the woman was keeping her head down, working quickly to get my data in the computer and hopefully have this tearful woman move away from her desk.

Something was pushing me to attempt some form of a better explanation to help me come to grips with crying in front of a perfect stranger. Then it felt as if those two special Angels gave me the words as I said, "You know when we are really feeling bad, I think we always want our mom and dad near us." She took a long look at me, and we both knew.  She wished me well and even said she would offer a prayer for me!

There I was, being given the gift of a prayer from a stranger who could vividly see my physical and emotional Pain all bubbling to the surface as I went from being an adult in Pain to a little girl, hearing a familiar name that came from LOVE. I walked into the treatment room and knew that my joyful blessing had just unfolded before me on this day that seemed so terrible. We spent six hours going through the normal process of waiting my turn, seeing the doctor, explaining the Pain and then waiting for treatment. I was given some medication that did help to knock that horrible edge off my Pain, and we headed back home.

Now it was dark outside. As we started down the highway, I glanced up and saw the most glorious full moon, shining brightly, being there to help guide us home safely. My heart felt lighter, the Pain had slowed to a easier ache and I carried this precious day close to my heart. Hearing my childhood name spoken today by a stranger, given to me at a time when I was at my lowest made me feel happy that maybe my two Angels were there today, helping me through the battle.

I said a prayer of thanks today for this gift. As always for everyone out there suffering through their own personal war of Chronic Pain, please know you are NOT alone and will always have a prayer coming from me each day. If you get a chance, say a prayer for someone you might know who is hurting. Please hang in and hold on for even the smallest bit of Joy. Trust me, it is there.

God bless each of you.


  1. What a gorgeous post!! I'm holding back the tears, Martha Lynn....

    My Mom passed away when I was 19, and this whole week, as I've been battling immobility from pain, I've been thinking of her and thinking of her...

    No matter how old we get, we still want our Mom or Dad...

    Now I AM crying! Thank you for allowing me to feel not so alone...

  2. Diane-
    You are never alone my dear friend. I am here for you, always and I do believe perhaps our "Angel Parents" are just around the corner, watching and being there for us when we need them most.

    We will always "want" our Parents-meaning we can never forget the memories of having our parents loving on us and nurturing us when we were young children, crying from a bruised knee or a cut-its those memories that "warm" our aching hearts as we go through this daily war zone of Pain. For any of us who suffer with Chronic Pain, there are lots of times when we feel so completely alone. It stunned me when I started crying as I heard my childhood name, then I realized, "I hurt and really want my Mom and Dad to be here and love on me!" They are doing it, but from a "Heavenly place!"

    I am always with you in prayer and love Diane.

