Friday, November 29, 2013

Oops-I skipped Black Friday Shopping!

Yes its true~~I skipped the biggest shopping day of the year--Black Friday!   As I watched the mid-day news and saw people "brawling" over those "can't  live without Bargains" all I could think was-"Well one  good Shove and I would be on the Ground!"

Why do people get into a physical battle over a small discount on an item?   Do  they truly think a real Bargain is waiting for them?   Maybe its the challenge  of waiting in line for hours, in freezing weather, not thinking about getting a Cold--nothing matters except getting that Bargain  deal.

Shopping is  something I would like to do in a  peaceful manner--but that  usually does not happen!  Black Friday would  be  impossible for me to do  because of the lovely Pain that  follows  me around, day and night.  It hurts to stand for too long a time,  and sitting down--well that is out of the picture.   Things change in life--just that  simple, whether its learning how to live  with Pain,   or a major life event--we either adjust  with the change or  stay in one major struggle.

Life is precious and for this old gal--I  can skip  Black Friday shopping!  Besides I know all the stores are packed  with Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!   Too much, too fast,  and way too Soon.

Take care and hope you find a moment  of simple  Joy.    

Blessings,  Martha


  1. Martha, for some reason my comment on your last post did not I will say it again. Glad you are back...I have missed you and your encouraging post. This trip has taken a toll on me physically, the travel, the cold and old age. We are in Fargo, North Dakota tonight flying to Chicago tomorrow. Right now we may be stuck in Chicago because of over sold flights. We did do the Black Friday for a few hours...was wore out when we got back to our daughters. But my grand daughter really wanted her Mom and Grandma to do black friday...but I think this will be my last year, it is for sure a young healthy person day. Again glad you are back on blogging. Blessings my wise friend.

    1. Hi Betty!!!
      So good to hear from you and BLESS you for the encouraging words!! I truly have missed blogging and realized how much it meant to me. As you can see I have changed my Blog LOOk up some and might continue to do so, but the words I put down-well those are from my heart and that will never change.

      The First Holiday is behind us~~as the other one starts looming fast! This will make six Christmas Holiday in which our Son has been out of our lives--I have slowly learned to LET GO and LET GOD be in charge.. Its never easy but we know this is how it must be. As we sat together at our Thanksgiving meal, it hit us--this was exactly how we started out--just the two of us and it was glorious to share those memories. So proud of you for making a Black Friday Effort!!

      I will do my best to be sure your comments get published!! I always love hearing from you-sweet Betty!! love,martha
