Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Nothing like Kindness!!!

I  was taught from a young age--be Kind to  others  and the lesson seems to  have stayed  with me through the years.    Its the simple acts  of  Kindness  that seem to mean the  most~~~taking a moment to Thank a young cashier  for having  a polite attitude, making sure  to  hold the door  open for  those  coming behind you~ young  or  old--it does  not matter.  

Yesterday at my Pain Doctor's office~~~there  was a  brief  moment of  'Silly Kindness"--best way I can put it.   The office  had been filling up  as we  patiently waited  for  the Doctor  to  arrive.  The door  opened, and a young assistant called out Three names~~~yes mine was  one  of  them, we all rushed  to  the door and realized  how FAST we got  through the  door.   It was  like somebody had  turned  on the "Remember  Kindness Light" as we  looked  at each other--almost unsure if we should walk  into the next room.    I  had to speak---"Heh, we  better  get into our little  rooms quick---it  doesn't  matter Who got through the door  first!"   Laughter filled the  room---it was glorious!   Nothing  like  Kindness!

Try a bit of Kindness---it does help..



  1. Oh, I love this light-hearted post! LOVE it!

    1. Thanks Veronica!!

      Sometimes we need to "lighten it up a bit" and this was one of those moments!!

      love, martha

  2. Laughter is good for our soul. Love your light touch.

    1. Hi Betty!!

      Well I agree with you 100% and then some more!!! With Pain just chomping away--its easy to lose that "laughing spirit" but my doc managed to help my NECK settle DOWN!! Heck I feel like a new person (neck wise, but my old BUTT---oh i think it just wants some attention from time to time)~~~~~I just decided it was time to LAUGH!!!

      thank you Betty for the love and caring prayers!!! Love back to you from me...martha
