Monday, April 11, 2011

Let's "define" PAIN

Anyone who suffers with Chronic Pain can quickly give you their definition of Pain in a heartbeat. The words to define it are not always exact, clear cut or nice. Instead, they are filled with frustration, anger, and despair. The daily grind of dealing with a PAIN that will NOT go away is exhausting, which makes it very hard to stop and give a explanation about your Pain. 

I decided to search the Internet for "definitions" of Pain. What I found were some very interesting spins on the word. PAIN: a physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. Yep, that one covers my Pain because I certainly have physical suffering brought on by being stupid enough to climb a tree and fall out of it, leaving me with a lifetime of Sciatica that gives me great discomfort! 

Wikipedia had a delightful spin on Pain..."it pains me to say this." That makes me think about different people in the medical profession who tell me nothing can be done to ease the daily Pain I must fight. It does pain me when I must tell my husband we can't go on a planned trip because my Pain is raging inside my body and I could care less about doing anything. 

You can't really give a true description of Chronic Pain because each person who suffers with this wicked foe has their own unique version of suffering. All one needs to do is really take a look at the face of a person dealing with Pain. There you will find the TRUE definition of PAIN. But I urge you to also look beyond the obvious signs and see the person who is determined not to allow PAIN to win but instead chooses to keep fighting back so to have some bit of JOY.

I pray daily for the courage to face this battle, and it's by His grace that I find my way each day. Pain is here to stay with me, but it will NEVER beat ME. That is my hope for all who suffer this terrible battle of Chronic Pain.


  1. Great post, Martha! I love your "definitions" subject!

  2. Thanks Sheryl! It was an interesting search to find how the word PAIN is actually described. The definitions do NOT even begin to describe what PAIN really does mean. M.Herden
