Monday, June 17, 2013

Chronic Pain binds us together on this day~~~

The conversation starts out with polite exchanges-the  usual 'Hello, how  is everyone doing, sure hope we get Rain soon, and  how about that basketball game last night!"  We quickly settle back in our chair, waiting for a voice to call our number out~~ #67, #16, #03~~~and watch the other rise quickly from their chair of Pain--walking with the Nurse and knowing "Okay--I made it this far, relief is through these doors,  thank God!"

For those who suffer with Chronic Pain--its  a true statement to say we  can slip into a hospital gown so FAST~~~ready to  answer the regular questions that  come each time, "How  is  your Pain Today--please rate it  on a  Scale  of 1-10" and you hear a round of "10's" bouncing around the room--what we want to say is "Come on folks--lets  get  a Number that truly reflects  our  Pain level~~~how about Ten Million,Billion, Zillion?"  The Nurses always tell you "Your Pain must really be bad"  and that helps--more  than we can say.  But the  "Lesson" is  waiting  for  each one  as  we  sense a  silence around us--PAIN fills the  room and we can't escape it.   I lay snuggled in warm blankets~~when a young woman slowly walks past me~~Pain has her in its tight Grip and my heart aches!

I glance to see  my "Fellow Pain Numbers" watching the young woman--i can feel One Question rise in us~~~WHY?  The answer is right in front of us~~PAIN brought her here~~~~she seeks any relief possible--just like the rest of us.  A silent prayer goes around the room as we watch her
bed go rolling by, and we ask God to help ease the Pain that has brought us here today.

God be with all who walk the path with Pain.



  1. Martha this is such a God directed post...your pain filled eyes still have room to see others...oh how you encouraged my heart today.

    1. Betty--
      Your words have brought Me some much needed encouragement!! Pain has been working harder than ever--or so it seems--least my body is screaming---MAKE IT STOP!!! Just when I think it will not get any worse--suddenly Matt is down and out with his back!!

      I wish you could have seen us both walking into the hospital--each with Cane in hand, and moving so slow.... Pain seems to fill our home lately--but we pray for each other, hold on tight and know---God will see us through these rough days..

      So a mere THANK YOU doesn't do Justice to your comment----You have moved my heart--and given me a great shot of Spiritual HOPE!! love to you my friend. martha
