Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Venting Pain~~~

Anyone who suffers daily with Chronic Pain reaches moments where we feel like a Un-opened Bottle of Champagne--its ready to Blow and for anybody standing nearby-it would be wise to step away for a bit.  I am human--making me no different than others who suffer with Pain, we all reach moments where we want to run outside, look up to the Heavens and shout"Okay, Okay, enough already--just need a brief respite from this Pain, PLEASE!"

So let me roll out "Martha's Vent List about Pain"--something tells me you might just see a phrase or word that you have also felt like saying/screaming/begging/raging~~~~~

My Prayers become very short---"Help Me God!"
I am bone-weary Tired of hurting!
Pain is like a wicked Monkey that clings to my back-beating on me constantly!
Unless you have lived with Chronic Pain, you do not understand all the issues we deal with.
Our loved ones can't Help us--but we do need them to Listen!
You reach a time in the Journey with Pain that Smiling is definitely Hard to Do.
My Feet are TIRED of feeling numb, burning, on fire---constantly! 
I Hate the Pain!
I don't look in the mirror as much---Pain has left its mark on me.

What in the World was I thinking that long-ago day while standing in the Tree?

I hear my Doctor asking me--after I have said a very firm NO to Surgery-- "Martha, can you Live like this?"  Yes--I can do it!  It will not be pretty, lots of stumbles will happen along the way, Pain will continue robbing pieces of Me~~~~but as I hold Tight to HIS Hand---Yes I can do this! 

My Venting ends as I close my eyes--remembering my Moma singing "One Day at a Time, Sweet Jesus, thats all I'm asking of you.  just give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do.  Yesterday's gone Sweet Jesus, and tomorrow may never be mine.  Lord help me today, show me the way, One Day at a time!"  (thank you Moma, & thanks to Cristy Lane Lyrics)

Pain Won't Beat Me----you have my prayers--as you take the Journey One Day at a Time.


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