Sunday, July 21, 2013

'Was it our Fault?"

Gentle tap on my aching shoulder gets my attention--I slowly turn and see a familiar face, an old friend has settled behind me at church.  Worry  lines  her face as the words fly "I have to know something~~~you mentioned a Tree being the reason  you are in such Pain!   Remember when you helped us cut a Big Tree down~~~Was that when all this happened? Please tell me, Please!"

Silence hung between us,  the memory flying back~"Oh that Tree--yes I recall helping you cut it down--and I also remember laying on the ground, my lungs  begging  for air--realizing I had met  my match by trying to work with you!"   I felt a deep ache inside--"No--it took another Tree to do all this damage~~nobody's fault but my own!"

Aged Eyes filled with Tears--her hand lightly caressing my shoulder--no words needed.  Compassion poured and I drank it  in.  Two women~~bound together by friendship and the memory of Trees.


  1. Dear Martha, as always I am brought up short as I read your post. As always you give God the credit for your outlook on this issue of pain. I would like to repost one of your post on my blog. I don't have many who stop by, but the few that do I think would be touched by your persistent willingness to continue on praising Him in the face of chronic pain. Which one would you pick or would you like to write a new one? I have never done this except to copy and paste so if you know of another way then tell me. I do know how to link them back to your site, or I think I do, hehe. You could send me an email with what you would like to say. Let me first send you something I would write before they read your post. I will work on it for a couple of day and send. Love you friend, praying for you.

    1. betty-
      you have my LONG email--but YES--I would be thrilled to do a post to your blog and my heart is touched for you asking me to do it.. I write from my HEART--the one HE put inside me when I entered this world.

      I will do my best to make you proud.... Easy to love you dear... martha
