Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Simple Reminder~

I know every place on my Leg where Pain is parked at-a steady Burning Sensation that will rise in a flash, telling me "Weather Change Ahead!"  I flip to the local news channel,  hearing the wise Weather Anchor filled with excitement, to let us know Rain is Coming-as it hits me, "Gee, I have my own Doppler Radar-I don't need to watch this silly Weather show!" These are times when I resent being reminded of what it took for me to have this unusual method of weather predicting.

Recently Pain hit two more areas of my body~~ simple tasks of reaching up for a Cake Mix in the pantry-or lifting a basket of clothes to fold, blow drying my hair, brings the question~~~"what will this do to my  aching Neck and lower back?"

I  had one of my "down moments" recently while visiting with a life-long  friend on the phone~~she was listening to my complaining, offering words of comfort and love, doing all she could to help.  Suddenly I looked toward the corner of our  bedroom, seeing an object I never dreamed would be a  needed part of  my life now. My friend  noticed how quiet things had become on my  end of the phone and she asked "Martha-are you okay?"

"Nope- I am not okay~~~I never thought a Walker would come into my life!"  Now the phone was quiet on her end, when she spoke words I shall never forget "Martha, its a Walker~ its Not a Wheelchair!"   I felt something stir inside me~Faith~God giving me a Simple Reminder-

 be grateful for each day I am given, HE is helping me .

 I am determined to Keep Moving~and bump into a bit of Joy each day.

May God be with all those who "Suffer in Silence."


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