Monday, August 5, 2013

New Treatment-Bad Day!

On the road again ~~~its dark as we rush through early morning traffic, heading toward a "New Treatment Plan" to ease the horrible Burning Pain in my Butt! Silence hangs heavy between us~~both of us in deep thought~~~I wrack my brain trying to grasp our emotions. 

Suddenly its like a Light Switch has been hit~~~we are afraid to feel HOPE again!!   All of my "Treatment for Pain" is  familiar to us-- like a warm blanket ~~but today is loaded with the Unknown!  We arrive~~not a word exchanged,  I walk in, grab the paperwork, and wait to be called back.  

Its safe to say moments like this for people who suffer with Chronic Pain are similar to "Bungee Cord Jumping"  we are taking emotions, coping skills, everything we have been through~as we Test our inner courage one more time.  My visit was swift~~ New Doctor explained the Treatment, pausing to ask "Why" I had climbed a Tree~~~~~~~~~~

Within seconds a stranger had me back at the TREE~~~~now I had to hunt for all the years of courage and strength--feeling very Lost and Sad.  Our conversation ended, the treatment was quick and out the door I went.  Matt was snoozing in the car--waking quickly to assess 
all the "damage"~~~~he said "How about some Breakfast?"  I glowed with his Love and knew these were some big bumps in the road~~together we will go past them.

Many are Suffering with Chronic Pain--let us Lift each other Up--not pushing someone down with "words" that hurt!  I will ask the Doctor "Have you ever suffered with a Pain that never goes away?  Have You??


  1. So Martha, how long does it take for this new treatment to work? I several injections through the years and they told me 1/3 of the ones who get them do not work at all, 1/3 they for a short time, 1/3 get complete relief for a long time. I was the middle one on the first injection, the rest did not work at all. I find I must do my exercises for those muscles will tighten around that sciatic nerve with a tight grip and I will be in severe pain. I guess I have a hard time with them not being able to help you but do understand your getting tired of trying and trying new stuff. I will just continue to pray for healing and relief.

  2. Betty-
    It was the WORST day ever..... The "machine" was operated by a young person who openly said, "I don't know HOW to operate this!" She turned it on HIGH----then left the room.. Within three minutes, an older Nurse comes running in--Screams "Oh my God--this should NEVER be turned this HIGH!!"
    Now it hits I am still on the table--she smiles and asks "Did you FEEL anything?" Nothing to hide-
    "Nope,not a thing!" Silently--I am thinking~~~ "Is this the First time I am thanking God for Major Nerve Damage--perhaps saving me from Further damage?" I get up to leave and the nurse tells me,"You might have some EXTRA pain tonight!" Thats the last I see of anybody!!

    Yes--I had TONS of extra Pain last night---NO SLEEP!!! I will NOT be going back for anymore FUN!

  3. Oh Martha so sorry...that is a little scary. I pray you get some sleep tonight.

    1. Betty--
      Finally got some rest last night.... I am going by that place in the morning, asking for the supervisor and tell somebody what happened. They might not like it--but Nobody else should go through that type of incompetence....Thank you for the prayers Betty--I know they help always.... love and blessings.. martha

  4. Oh by the way I have not seen Pam on your comments for a while, how is she doing I wonder?
