Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Slowing Down together~~~

Loving on my Daddy~

This looks like a good photo~~but tough decisions lay ahead for both of us-Illness had taken a toll on Daddy and I was dealing with a Burning Leg,  as new words entered the picture- Slow Down~~ neither of us cared for the words because we both knew they held life changes for us.  

 Daddy told me "Now Trouble-you have just One Speed-FAST" he loved calling me Trouble- grinning with delight and it was a loving Term of Endearment!  He taught me lessons about working hard, doing a Good Job and Never stopping until it was completed. 

  No job was too hard for me-as I finished tasks quickly, being my Dad's Girl, it was natural for me to share his work ethics.  Having grown up on a ranch, I loved walking with him-my tiny legs moving fast and I learned to grab his hand and hang on!  He shared stories with me~~things he did as a child-I stored it all in my heart, knowing I would never forget these moments together.

Years flew by~~as the message of Slow Down loomed over both of us- I saw him facing age and serious illness, we both seemed to sense what lay ahead.  I struggled to deliver the news~~ forcing the words out- "Assisted Living Center" he sat in a wheelchair-not making a single move,  Anger and Sadness flew from his eyes to me!

We began a Verbal Dance-me explaining why he had to leave home, Moma had passed on,  his health condition was serious~~this was strange territory for both of us~~ anger-filled challenges were thrown  at me-saying he could manage~~ He was a grown man who knew how to cook, turn the heater on to stay warm~~Anger was boiling in his eyes~~ arms folded so Tight-waiting for my next words, his frail body 
clinging to hope that no longer existed.

My heart was crumbling~ I sensed a need to Slow Down and be the Adult-not a loving Daughter who wanted to run away from this terrible moment.  Two hours passed with both of us fighting the End Result.   Home now felt empty~~he sat in Stone Silence-never taking his eyes from me, but suddenly turned  to Soak in One final Memory of Home~~I will never forget this awful moment.  

 He turned around to face me, and I could see him struggling for inner strength to say the words he hated"Okay Trouble, Lets get out of Here, Now."  Nothing could fill the empty spot in our hearts~~we had to Accept it and keep going!  He slowly adjusted to his New Home and we had many wonderful visits, as we shared Pain Days-joking about who hurt the most, and always cherishing our time together. 

One more lesson came from Daddy during a phone call as I was on the way to get Injections to help ease my Pain-we laughed a bit, just talking~~when he suddenly grew quiet, searching for his words:
"Trouble-I think You are Gonna have that Old Leg Pain for the Rest of your Life-so you remember to be Strong"the words stinging as they settled in my heart.  He was being a Dad, trying to reach a Daughter who carried a big piece of his fierce determination!  I promised to call him later but a phone call came as we arrived home, urgent words pouring from my Sister~~

"Daddy is waiting for You to get here, He won't Let Go Until He sees You, Please Hurry!"  

The ride was fast-my heart breaking for what lay ahead~~ I walked into his room, sat beside him~~~"Daddy, Its Trouble!  I am here now, its okay to go.  I love You.  Please say Hi to Moma for me."  Peace seemed to fill the room, his labored breathing slowed down, as tears gently ran down his cheeks.  I kissed him Goodbye and knew-those tears were His Goodbye to me.  

Calvert H. Combs, Born Nov. 07th, 1920.  Passed April 21, 2003

Thank you for letting me share~~ I praise God for giving me this wonderful man I call Daddy.



  1. Martha, what a tribute. I ache sometimes reading your stories, as I didn't have a "daddy" in my adult life. You had a tremendous gift given to you - to be with him in his moment to leave his earth suit behind.

    It's awesome and I'm so happy for you to have those memories!

    1. Thank you Diane~~
      I read this today at the Writing Class I attend at the Library~hoped I could get through it without tears but the memory of being with Daddy when he passed was so painful and I could not stop the tears.

      Everyone sitting at the table was crying. I do realize the blessing God gave me by having this wonderful man as my Dad. My heart aches for you and others who had to feel this type of loss.

      Daddy would tell me "Sister-you make sure to care for others who are hurting-they need to know you care about them!"

      I do care deeply. Thank you for this loving comment.

