Sunday, February 17, 2013

How can Humor, Pain, and Church blend together?

My Husband suggested I would be wise to stay home~~Pain has been on a rampage with my body lately and after making a feeble  effort  to do some house cleaning-lets just say I was in the early stages of paying a Huge Price for thinking I could get down on the floor and clean!  

I did want to stay home, rest on heating pads and do nothing-but I thought about all God has done for me and my heart knew it was time to pull myself together~~plus it helps to know we live less than five minutes away from the church doors.  

We  are slowly walking up the church steps as  a man is coming toward us~~I am reminded of him 
giving me one of those "Painful Neck Squeezes" and before he has the chance to offer a pleasant greeting- My Cane is raised in his direction as I give a strong verbal warning "Don't even think about getting near my Neck!  Have a lovely day."    People around us started to laugh-as they were telling him "that lady has a really bad Neck-give her a break!"   

It seemed as if the service went on for hours~~I held on to Prayers and my husband-knowing God was there and I could do this.  Services ended and I knew home was just minutes away-but people love to share a moment of conversation as we all headed toward the open doors. Suddenly a caring lady stops me and asks "Martha, are you okay?"  For a brief second I want to tell her "I forgot what Okay is-Pain is the only thing I know about" but I just shake my head,  making my neck hurt more and all I can say is "No-I am a long distance from being Okay"  and she offers words of comfort.

Another lady is standing behind me, we have known each other for a long time~~suddenly she is demanding "Well, what about me?  Am I Okay? Am I Okay?"  I don't think this was how the caring lady thought church might end, but she is quickly asking "Well, are you okay?" I loved how Humor
showed  up~~my long time friend makes a reply "Sure I am Fine, but Martha is  really messed up with Pain-and I  don't want to  hurt like she does!"  

I walked out, laughing with joy at the unusual conversation that somehow managed to pull Pain, and Humor together~~while at church!    

Keep looking up, taking one day at a time, and know I am praying for you.



  1. Well dear Martha! I'm glad you found humor in that exchange.

    You really make me proud of you. You don't put anything, even pain, come between you and church. Praise God for that.

    And yes, we must keep looking up.... take one day at a time. Thanks for your prayers (thinking of others above your own) and know that I am always here-thinking of you too.

  2. Your description of the man who likes to hug too hard reminded me of how everyone wants to shake hands at my church. My right hand can be very painful when someone squeezes too hard, and sometimes I find myself moving quickly when I see someone I know has that heavy grip! :) Bless you, Martha...

    1. Pam-
      Its amazing how something meant in friendly greetings can cause Pain that only we can feel. Its become almost funny (but its not because I hurt so much) but people at church will suddenly rise up to jump in front of me if they see somebody approaching me to hug me. Guess I am becoming a True Pain in the Neck!!

      I am sorry you must also experience this~~truly.
