Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hanging in there

Do you ever have one of those PAIN nights that seem to be endless? Last night was one for the Books for me. It started at 2 a.m. with me walking the floor, drinking hot tea, standing by a heater, hoping and praying this would make the PAIN settle back to its normal pace. I tried not to wake my sleeping husband, but I believe this battle has given him a special ALARM CLOCK of sorts, and he got up to walk the floor with me, giving me assurance that PAIN would lose the battle this night.
I was dragging emotionally today, tired from the hard fight PAIN had given me and not feeling there was anything to be happy about. While we were at a restaurant, PAIN showed up again but in a "different" manner. As we left, I saw an older couple making their way toward the doors. The wife was gently leading her husband in, guarding his walker with her hands to keep him from falling. Their journey to those doors seemed to take forever, as I stood holding the door open and watching each PAIN-FILLED step this man took. I saw PAIN in another human being, recognized each slow step, how hard it was for this man to attempt and yet there he was, out with his loving wife, determined to have lunch together. My JOY came today as they finally reached the doors, and this man looked at me, as if we BOTH knew a secret of sorts. He smiled and quietly said, "Thanks, young lady, you HANG in there!"
"YOU HANG IN THERE"...simple words with powerful meaning. I prayed  for this man and silently thanked him for showing me JOY today.

I do live with chronic pain, but I'm determined that PAIN WILL NOT BEAT ME.

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