Sunday, September 9, 2012

I will Never forget~~~~~

Sept. 10th, 2001

This date doesn't catch a person's attention-but if I were to change it to Sept. 11th, 2001 is grilled into our minds forever.  I don't recall much of that day-except waking up in a hospital room, with a television on and I saw a man jumping out a window.  We all know the darkness of that day-watching two huge landmark buildings crash to the ground, with countless people being killed. A tragedy that changed lives forever, leaving families broken-forever grieving for the lost Father, Brother, Sister, Mother, Child.  

But I will never forget the day before-about three weeks earlier, my team of Doctors had put a device in my Spinal Column-its one goal was to "fool" the Pain signals going to my brain-and it worked like a charm for a while.  Unknown to me, my body was rejecting the device-and a massive Staph Infection was rapidly spreading up my Spinal Column!

I hadn't felt well for about a week-the Pain was getting worse and on Sept. 09th-I woke my husband up from a hard sleep, telling him to get me to a hospital fast!  The Doctor who saw me must have known something was terribly wrong and yet he could not "touch me" because I had been through recent surgery for the device installation.  God was really watching over me because that Doctor gave me a massive shot of Antibiotics-which bought me precious hours as we were now on a race to save my life. 

We saw my Pain Doctor on Sept. 10th-I could barely sit up, normally when I see her, its hard to keep me quiet because I enjoy chatting away with her.  Not this time-I had a very low blood pressure and truly felt like I was down for the final count.  My husband sat nearby and watched as she took a large needle and drew fluid out from the area near the device-I got a quick look at her face, and it said everything!  My husband looked white as a sheet, and my Doctor rushed to phone a specialty Surgeon-I still recall her telling him-"I need you to get here just as fast as you can!"

Everything else is a blur-I do know those Doctors operated on me through the night, and had to take me back into surgery within days as they feared the Infection was trying to spread again.  All the veins in my Body had shut down and a Tube had to be run through a vein going from my arm to my heart so I could be given life-saving Medications.  I spent 8 long days in that hospital, and my life had changed.  Recovery took years, yes Years flew by before I felt like living again.

God had also made sure to surround me with some very special Angels-the nurses who were helping my Doctor that long ago day as they too watched me being rolled into surgery, knowing just how close I was to Death.  Many years later I learned they held hands and formed a Circle of Prayer- asking God to watch over me and help me recover, but secretly thought they had seen the last of me.

So much has happened in my life since that long ago day-I had another serious brush with Death, due to a unknown Infection and that too was a long fight back to me enjoying life again. As I sit here typing my memories out-I am struck with one amazing Fact~~~

A group of Women stood in a Circle of Prayer for Me-my life was spared! 
Now, God has blessed me with some special Prayer Partners~~~
Veronica, Diane, Betty, Lolita-and me

We are five Women who hold hands across the Internet world and formed a special
~~~~~~~ Circle of Love~~~~~~~

So tomorrow I will see my amazing Doctor again-and remind her of that long ago day-I have a gift for her but I realize, there is nothing I could ever give her to truly express how grateful I am for her skilled hands
and loving Heart!

Thank you God-I am happy to be here... Pain or no Pain!!


  1. I pray His blood covering on you everyday, Martha. And now I am also praying for your friend going through bladder cancer...and a man I know who is also going through the same. I believe He has his circle of prayers around us constantly. And the most wondrous is when it comes from those we don't even know are praying...which makes me think your circle may be much broader than you know. :) I love to think of that opening scene in It's a Wonderful Life, all those prayers going up and up... surrounding us each in our need... And I love how the word says Jesus never stops interceding for us too...

    1. Pam-
      Such loving words you write and they speak the Truth-I too believe we have Prayers spoken for us and may never know how wide the Circle of Prayer goes.

      My friend who had her bladder removed due to Cancer is seriously ill. Major complications have come about and she is facing a very uncertain future. As her husband said to me, "we have to let go and let God!" This is true-but sometimes so hard to do, and yet I know we are all in HIS hands.

      I pray for your friend too.

      God bless. martha

    2. I truly have seen how God uses our prayers taken right from His word...and so I love to "speak them as prayers" over friends like yours, and over myself... thank you Lord, that you rose with healing in your wings for Martha and her friend. Thank you that your wounds heal her now. By your stripes we are healed. You surround her with songs of victory. God bless her and wrap her in warmth of your healing word.

    3. Pam-
      Yes I believe in the true power of Prayer and have seen it work up close and personal!!

      What I have learned is the true test of Faith when you realize there are moments in life where all we truly can do is
      Let Go and Let God.. HE is the Shepherd~~

      My friend is still seriously ill-and nobody but God knows the outcome.

      Bless you for the prayers.

  2. I hope you are resting and that it was successful. I haven't been online much. I'm sorry I didn't know. Let me know how you are. Love to you,

    1. Hi Diane-
      I noticed you hadn't been online and yet know you keep me in your prayers. thats a very comforting feeling!!!

      The procedure went well-but the first few days are rough-feels like I got hit by a truck (very sore) but I do believe its starting to make a difference...

      I am resting a lot!! best thing I can do right now..

      Love back your way. Martha

    2. Yes, you are always in my prayers, Martha. I"m glad it's starting to make a difference. Thank You, LORD!

    3. Diane-
      I will take any improvement possible and give Thanks on top of Thanks to God.

      These times of feeling better will help me when it gets rough again. In other words, "for me, my Spirit is willing~~ but my burning Buttock is not! A tree and me---so much changed in my life but I have come a long way and by His Grace, will keep on keeping on!!

      (((blessings))) martha
