Thursday, July 5, 2012

Learning about Pain from a Whale!

How in the world could anybody learn about Pain from a giant Whale that blew up in the middle of a busy street overseas?  Yet its true- I happened upon a tv show last night that concentrated as to "why" a huge Sperm Whale suddenly blew apart as it was being taken to a clinic for research to learn why it died.

 I saw the horrible Mess covering the streets when the body opened up, feeling sorry for the Clean-up Crew!  But something kept my attention focused and before I knew it-my lesson was unfolding-teaching me about the early beginnings of my own Chronic Pain.

Dear HH was watching as they showed the process of moving this huge whale from the beach, loading it onto a  truck-seeing cranes bent over, then watching the truck being crushed from the weight, and word sent for a larger truck to safely carry the dead whale.

I recall dear husband saying he thought the whale might have been struck by a large boat, but no real area of injury could be seen.  Suddenly I began hearing the narrator speak about how blood pools under the skin when there is a hard injury- (falling out of a tree and landing on my butt would be a hard injury)  then hearing words like nerve damage, scar tissue and on it went.

For a short moment, I felt like the Whale-having kept my injury silent- the beginning of many mistakes made by me as I chose to ignore that day.  I glanced toward my husband- his eyes were focused on the screen, perhaps this was his moment of gaining a real understanding of my Chronic Pain beginnings-no injuries were seen from the surface, but so much was going on under the skin, with my life changing by the seconds as I ignored daily Pain Signals.

The conclusions for the Whale blowing up was a combination of an old injury to the dorsal fin, ropes attached to this already weakened area, gas filling the body cavity and finally, things had to blow!

Thank God I am still here! Yet my decision making at the time of the fall from that tree will be with me always.  I see my Pain doctor for injections to ease this wicked burn in my butt that runs down my leg and stays firmly planted in my foot-and there is relief from this Pain.  But its not a permanent relief, as she says "Martha, the Burn is never going away. We will do everything possible but you know the answer."

I felt like my sweet Daddy was standing beside her, shaking his head in silent agreement with her, then looking my way, helping me to recall his own words spoken to me on April 21, 2003-"Remember Sister, I told you about that old Leg Pain staying with you for the rest of your life!  Now you be Strong, and ask the good Lord to help you each day.."

Yes-I am left with this burning Pain-but also blessed in ways I never dreamed possible.  My husband stands with me as I walk this Path-falling from the strain of it, allowing my body time to rest from it and then picking myself up again-always asking God for His Help.

God be with all who must suffer with Pain-please keep looking up toward Him, and know I pray for you.



  1. And you got closer and closer to Him. But we will never give up hope of finding a cure.... we will always ask heavens to pour down upon you and all the other in this kind of injury.

    God must have something and we will not loose the "mercies" that are new every morning. One of these days, it will come and pour down like rain on parched land.

    God bless you, my dear Martha, for always seeking His teachings even in a TV News, like the whale.

    Joys would overflow despite the circumstances.

    Alleluia! I love you, dear.

    1. Lolita-
      When I shared the title of this post with Matt-he gave me a strange look, and asked "So how did you come up with this?" I explained to him about the silent injury to the whale, etc.,,, and his eyes told me-Yes Martha-I understand....

      Perhaps God does help my eyes and heart to stay open-so I will learn everything I can about Chronic Pain. It was very hard to hear my doctor speaking words of "permanent" to me-and honestly, it did feel as if my precious Daddy was right there, reminding me of having heard these words many years ago.

      Now I must continue seeking strength from God-and looking to HIM always.

      I am so touched that you "got" my message on this post. I was worried it came across a bit on the strange side, but you my dear, your heart is so pure and united with the Lord, of course you would understand.

      Bless you for your prayers!! HE hears each one!!!

      i love you also-very much. Martha

  2. Good Morning, Martha. I saw this same show about two years ago. Tragic. Shocking that these things can be going on "under the skin" and we aren't aware of it until one day...

    That's how disease works - unsuspecting until a "symptom" appears, but it has been going on "under the skin" for a long time.

    I can see how you could identify with this sad story of this whale. And I love that you find lessons all around you in life.

    I know you have not asked your Heavenly Father for a miracle, but I sure have - others in your Circle have. Jesus is the God of miracles. He loves to do what doctors cannot do. The woman with the issue of blood - she suffered for 12 years and spent all her money on doctors. One day, she crawls to Jesus who heals her because of her faith.

    There is hope, dear Martha. There is! Not in the doctors anymore, but in Jesus Christ. I'm living proof. Those in your Circle will continue to encircle you in prayer, faith, and love. We love you and long for you to be healed and whole.

    I love you dear, Martha!
    P.S. Donna had her many, many hours of back surgery yesterday. Please keep her in prayer. Recovery won't be pleasant.

    1. Diane-
      Thank you for letting me know that Donna came through her surgery!
      Yes the road to recovery will be a long one-but something tells me she Will find her way through it!! I have several friends who went through terrible Back surgery (my Own Doctor had three surgeries) and they all comment on how amazing the Pain level is AFTER surgery-not gone, but like a quiet whisper and its stunning to see their rapid recovery! What a blessing God sends when this happens.

      How can I ever find the perfect words to THANK YOU for all your prayers? Best I can ever do is to share the EXAMPLE you show and Pray for you! I know God hears ALL of our Prayers-answers might not come as we would like, but HIS wisdom leads us and I try hard to follow HIS Path.

      You mentioned the word MIRACLE-well I have had a few during my lifetime-some happening and suddenly I am aware-"Now the Only way that could happen is a Miracle from God!"

      My First Health Miracle happened on Sept. 10th, 2001-as I lay very close to death from a massive Staph Infection-hours of Surgery got me through that night-and i KNOW GOD was working in the hands of my doctors! Nurses who saw me before surgery gathered together and PRAYED for me-thinking in their hearts, I would not make it through the night-but by HIS GRACE-I did. Many years later, I came across one of those nurses, she recognized me and tears started down her face, she hugged me and whispered "We did have a MIRACLE that Night-you are still here with us!" I just knew-God was really listening-just as HE always does.

      I recall being in the hospital and praying as if there were no tomorrow ahead for me: I begged God for three things:

      1. Please let me live to see my Son graduate from High School.
      2. Please let me live to see my Son graduate from College.
      3. Please let me live to see my Son marry so I can hold his first child in my arms.

      In short-I was Praying for a Long life! One of these Prayers was answered-I saw my Son graduate from High School. The others never happened. I will take the One as my Special Miracle.

      In some way when I fell, I KNEW-I just KNEW. Each time in my life when I have been at the lowest (or as Betty says-I have really HIT the WALL) I ask God for Courage and strength--HE gives this to me in Abundance!! Sometimes I have to move my stubborn Head aside to SEE the Graces HE sends Me!!!

      If anybody would have told me "Martha-at some point in your Pain Journey, God is going to Open a Special Door for you-behind that door stands Many Miracles: Diane, Lolita, Judi, Pam, Veronica, Betty! The List will grow and THEIR prayers will be your MIRACLE!" I would never have believed a true MIRACLE like this would come my way but it has!!!

      So please know my dear Diane-God has sent me precious Treasures in all of you! HE is showing me the MIRACLE of Prayer, Sharing, reaching out to a Stranger, Loving without question!

      All of this gives me HOPE!!! I am so thankful for your words, but more Grateful for your prayers!!!

      God bless you dear friend. I love you always.


    2. And being alive to see and witness what you had prayed for.... is God answering and making it true.

      This is a good thing to intercede for.... you wishes, because God will let it pass, no matter how.... Only He knows.

      Our Martha is a Miracle in herself.... thanks for telling us of that incident and thanks God for He had let you be around prayer-faithful staff in the hospital.... and even if there was only one, He will always listen and heal. And being in the midst of our Circle, we are being blessed by Him in the midst of us.

      Yes, our God, another Miracle, please.... bestow upon our dear Sister and to the others in this kind of Pain. We plead and beg you, dear Father in heave, healer and restorer of health. You have given us this body which is in itself a miracle machine of health and restoration. Whatever is causing the pain to come out, heal those nerves Oh God. We believe in you, we have Faith and Hope in your promises for You are the Alpha and the Omega, the First and Last, Everlasting God, who never changes, even if we do.... Yes Father send healing over to Martha, God. Touch where she is ailing and causing the excruciating pain in her..... Father you were mocked, you suffered, you were flogged, you stumbled with the weight of the cross you carried, you were nailed to the Cross, you Died for us.... so that the pain that you suffered will pay all our sins and illnesses, our brokenness and strife..... OH Father, we believe that you wanted us whole and new. We want that for Martha, Father. Amen in the name of our Mighty Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!!!

    3. Lolita-
      How can I find words to praise this amazing Prayer you have spoken on my behalf? I can't-because its so beautiful, filled with such love and Faith-I think my stumbling words might tarnish the beauty of this Prayer.

      All I can say is God keeps showing me so many Miracles! HE sent his Son who willingly suffered-all done for LOVE.

      I am so thankful to have your love and friendship! God will help me as I walk the Path-and HE has sent very special Blessings my way!!

      All my love, Martha

  3. Replies
    1. Diane-
      You are precious! God bless your caring heart! I will find my way, one day at a time, as I follow HIS path.

      I cherish you, dear friend. never forget that.

      love, Martha
