Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year-do things change?

Yes-let me answer the question~~~~things continue to change in our lives, new health issues spring up and jerk us into reality- we have no choice but to stand the test ahead of us and pray for a positive outcome.  For others-Pain comes in a dreadful flash-and a family is shattered.

Here in our community, the year of 2012 ended on a tragic note as we heard news of a husband ending his life-leaving his wife and children with broken hearts, stunned at the news~~thinking its just a bad
dream that will go away, and as each day dawns, they are hit with the cold reality again.

Why did this happen?  No answers come-my heart aches for this family and the only thing I can do is Pray for them.  They will be searching as life keeps moving,  and days will come when it seems they can't go on~~but with HIS loving hand, they will slowly find the courage to continue.

When I heard the news-everything stopped and I just sat in stunned silence.  My problems are nothing in comparison to the Pain this family must now live with.  Holidays should be a time of
joy-yet they seem to bring such Pain and raw emotion to the surface~~~

Pray for this family-they are not alone-many others across this world are facing the same loss.

May God be with all those who are suffering.



  1. How tragic! There is so much senseless pain all around us. Your prayers, and the prayers of your community will get this family through.

    1. Yes Diane-
      Its heart-breaking to see this family in such Pain. I agree with the Prayers-God hears them and I know this family is being lifted up by the prayers.

      Thank you for the loving words and care.

      ((happy new year--lets hope so))
