Monday, April 9, 2012


Life moves along at such a busy pace that we miss seeing "changes" in our friends, and don't think anything is wrong until a day comes and we are struck with shock as we see the hard physical changes brought on as someone we care about has been hit with Chronic Pain and the battle is roaring!

My eyes were opened recently as I saw a long-time friend, limping her way out of church, and the look on her face told me all the answers to my silent questions-PAIN was chewing her up and spitting out each piece it could of this gracious woman.  We had a moment to talk and she let me know that surgery was just around the corner as a hip replacement was very needed.  She commented on how long the Pain had been with her and she just put it aside as a back-ache, nothing more, until the day came when she could barely walk and then reality had arrived. 

I let her know my prayers would be starting, wishing for a safe surgery and a speedy recovery-and it hit me that her husband was standing quietly, with a look of fear in his eyes, and I could sense the helpless feeling in him.  Before I left them, my heart just pushed me ahead and I took his hand, looking at him and saying "She is a strong woman, a fighter and I just know everything will be okay!"  Relief seemed to wash over him suddenly and he thanked me for caring about them both.

The great news is my friend came through her surgery with no complications!  Praise God for this and within a short amount of time, I was thrilled to look up one Sunday in church and see her there, looking so different, an obvious sign that Pain had been pushed away and it just warmed my heart to know prayers were heard and God helped remove that terrible Pain from her body.

Today I had a chance to see her and my heart soared- as I could see such improvement in her health-strength returning to her body, and she was really speeding back to full health.  She started talking- speaking of being frustrated with having to stay home, feeling bored, wanting to get out and do things.  I listened quietly because I knew what lay behind those words "having to face tough facts-realizing all the things she would have to give up."

Unless you have walked this road-there is No way to comprehend the intense frustration a person feels when faced with drastic life-style changes.  Its just plain wicked-almost as if you are stuck in a valley, with the hills being too high for any possibility of climbing out.  My friend spoke about telling her doctor that "perhaps she could just get a little small lawn mower to push slowly" and having her heart sink as she saw the look from her doctor that was saying "those days are over-you must put them behind you." 

I know all too well the emotional roller coaster my friend is on right now as she begins adjusting to a slower pace, having to watch others do things that at one time were so easy to do, now having to take each step slowly-being careful to not fall for fear of injuring her body.  My heart ached because I could not find the words to help her-only time will do that and she will reach deep inside, gradually accepting this new path of life.

Others had gathered around and I knew it was time to move on and let her visit with more friends-but I paused and said "The hardest thing I ever had to do was give up Mowing my yard- my Doctor had pleaded with me over the years to give this up- and I finally did, but it made me so Mad- I had to accept it and keep moving."  She took my words in without speaking-because she had watched over the years as my Pain Battle took me through some horrible ups and downs-with so many visible changes to my life.

We were two "wounded women" who have fought with Chronic Pain for years-now we were standing face to face, no way to dodge seeing the "obvious" changes in us.  I walked away with a heavy heart, but something hit me and its like I was hearing these words "Yes-Pain has wounded both of you, but Prayer has brought you this far and Faith in God will take you through the challenges that will come. Just be thankful for each  day!"

I knew today had been one that required me to stop and "listen"-so I would not Miss the Message meant for me to hear today-Being Thankful to God.  This was my Joy moment today, and I am thankful for it.

Always know, for those who suffer with Chronic Pain, there is a Prayer being said for you each day, asking God to help you get through each second.  If you can, please just say ONE prayer for me.  Bless you.


  1. Martha-

    I am happy for your friend who has gotten through her surgery and is recovering. She has to take things slowly, though.

    I know how hard it is to give up things we used to do, and a more energetic way of things. I've been through being paralyzed for a while.... even bathing was impossible. It is so hard to let others do things you did for yourself. But we need to accept and let go, and let God.

    Yes, Martha, we will never give up...... our Faith in God will be all the more stronger..... He is far greater and bigger than our pains, our burdens, our troubles. We will not tire of breathing out our petitions upon His feet, His Healing grace is there for us to claim. Let's go on....... with hearts full of hope.

    My love and warm hugs to you, dear Martha.


    1. Lolita-
      You have been down that path-as you said, "even bathing was impossible" and that is without question-HUMBLING.

      You are so right about how hard it is to Let Go and allow others to help us, and it does come down to simply Letting Go and Letting God.
      Yes Dear Lolita-please lets keep moving-with our hearts so filled with Love and Hope.

      Thank you for these precious words. God bless you. I needed them on this day.


  2. Martha, it is our pleasure to pray for you - with more than one prayer.

    I love the "joy moments" you share with us. You continually bring us into your world. I read your stories of other's sufferings and I ache with empathy. So, know, that we, too, pray for those you share with us.

    You've got quite an intercessory prayer ministry going on! I love you and pray you have a restful sleep tonight, Dear Martha!

    1. Diane-
      What more could I ask for than one simple Prayer and then knowing-you are willing to send many more up to God on my behalf! That is true Christian Love!

      I am deeply touched about the "intercessory Prayers" and it almost feels hollow for me to just say THANK YOU, BLESS YOU-but I mean those words-they come from the depth of my heart. This is a rough week and I thank you for helping to lift me up in prayers.

      Something tells me I will be able to sleep peacefully tonight.

      Bless you Diane-for your amazing Prayers and Love.

