Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Story-"Just Wait Till I get Home-Please!"

"Just Wait Till I get Home"-these words are burned into my mind forever and almost  sixteen years later, I can still hear them as if my Husband was saying them to me yesterday.  I have written a lot of postings about my Chronic Pain, how bad it hurts all the time, my anger and sorrow at seeing my body change daily and all of this because I refused to pay attention to a simple request made by my husband.

It took me years before I was able to sit down and write about Falling out of that Tree-those moments were stuffed very deep and I dreaded trying to recall that Terrible Day-why I fell so suddenly-and it has been one of the hardest things to do.  But it hit me recently as I was blogging about my "Burning Butt" that I have never spoken about that day-and something "moved" inside me, telling me "You must talk about awful Day!"

My heart was telling me that if I could find the courage to tell my story-perhaps one person will read this and just before they are getting ready to climb up a tree, suddenly a memory will come to them "oh yeh, I remember reading about that gal in Texas who fell out of a Tree and is in Constant Pain!  So-Maybe I should back away from this tree-just to be safe!"

So here is my Story:

We live on a farm in the middle of a small Texas town-the oldest home on our place was built in 1917 and we use it as a Guesthouse now, but a lot of work was needed on it before we opened the doors to our friends.  There is a tree that grows here in Central Texas-its called a Hackberry Tree (known here as a Trash Tree-folks don't see it having much value for anything)  and one of these trees stood in the old yard-limbs would drop with a strong wind and there was one particular Limb  I wanted out of the way-fast!  It was blocking my view as I would sit and watch the old Well pumping water into a cistern-something I really enjoyed doing!  My husband worked long days as a Robbery Detective in a large nearby city and I kept after him to "get that limb cut down" and he would remind me to just give him a bit more time and it would get done.

That morning as he left for work, his last words were "Now listen, just wait till I get home Today and I will take care of that limb!"  Of course I would wait-thats what I told him but the second his car was on the road-I was moving fast to grab the ladder, saw, water-and something made me bring the portable phone outside, leaving it on our patio-just in case I needed to call somebody.  I was up that tree within minutes-heck I had climbed so many trees as a young child, this was a piece of cake for me and I started hacking away on that one Limb-shouting with joy was it crashed to the ground!  

Just as I was enjoying my victory, the ladder fell- my mind told me  it would still be so easy to get down-and for some reason-I decided to climb higher and was a full 12 feet from the ground.  Everything got suddenly quiet-no breeze, no sound of cars passing by, even the birds had scattered, and our family dog had gone into hiding.  I recall pausing for a second, then another limb caught my attention and I leaned out to start cutting it-and that was It!  I began falling, recall screaming GOD HELP ME and then landing on that hard ground, my butt taking the full impact of the fall and yet I still had the saw in my hand, holding it straight in the air!  The breath had been knocked out of me and I struggled to find some air, tears were streaming down my face-as the shock had settled in that I had just fallen out of a tree-this was a First for Me!

I started trying to move my legs and had my First Hard Meeting with Pain-It was so horribly intense-I felt sick to my stomach-but was  thankful my legs still moved,  a sign everything was working fine!  No-nothing was really working and suddenly my eyes found the telephone and my brain was telling me "Gee Martha-don't you think it might be a good idea to call somebody!"  So I tried to stand and again, a Pain hit me that told me-"Now its time for you to learn all about Pain-looks like you had better think of some other way to reach that phone!"

Suddenly-the "child" within me seemed to say "You know how to crawl-just give that a try" and crawl I did-but a short distance that would have taken only a minute of time, now took me a full hour to do.  My body was covered in sweat, dirt, tears-and with each movement I made, the Pain throbbed so loud-that I had to stop, catch my breath, and then start again to crawl-knowing my one goal was to reach that Phone!  Finally I could feel the concrete patio underneath my wounded body and thanked God over and over for helping me get to this spot, but one more task lay waiting for me-I needed to turn my body over so I could reach up for the phone.  Seemed like a simple task, but when I attempted to roll my body over-All I can say is it felt like HELL had shown up and was laughing at me-this stupid woman-who just had to cut one Limb from a tree and was thrown to Earth with such Violence!

It took another thirty minutes of a back and forth rolling motion before I finally landed on my back, looking upward to a sky that seemed to be swimming around me as the Pain grew by the second.  Finally I called a friend and very calmly asked her, "Uh, would you mind dropping by to check on me?  It seems I fell out of a tree and just thought somebody needs to take a look at me to be sure I am okay!"  She must have thought I hit my head on the way down and within minutes I heard the sound of a car driving up, as she was suddenly standing over me and all she could say was "Oh my God Martha-what happened?"  

I made light of my recent disaster-shook away her begging me to call an ambulance and thanked her for stopping by.  Somehow I knew-this was the biggest mistake I had ever made and nothing in my life would ever be the same again.  My husband never knew what happened until three months later when all the toes on my foot went numb and I knew, the time had arrived for me to tell him what I did-and I shall never forget the look on his face.  It had hit him that our married life had also just changed, as a strange Face was now with us-the face of PAIN.

This is my Story-my Prayer is that someone Learn from these words-and Never Climb a Tree or a Ladder or anything that will throw your body to the ground.  Life changed that day for me in a split Second and now I fight each day to battle through the Pain and God has blessed me with a husband who is right here beside me, lifting me up when I grow so weary from fighting.  Yes-I wish with all my heart things could be different but they are not-so that is why I say "Pain Won't Beat Me!"  God be with you all and thank you for allowing me to share my story with you.  Martha


  1. Oh, Martha! (Pause) What a haunting story! I always wanted to know what happened and now there it is!

    I always wanted to know what you meant by "If only I had listened to my husband..." I didn't understand how he warned you and still wasn't around when you fell... How you kept it a secret...

    Everything you did sounds exactly like something I would have done myself, especially something "toughie" like cutting down a tree limb myself! I would have waited until he left and done it myself... just like you! I would have been shouting with joy as the hacked pieces fell crashing... That's just the woman I am--then I rub it in my husband's face that I'm a man too!

    I was in tears when it got to the part where you fall! That kind of gumption did not deserve to be punished for good! The way you told this story I feel like I dreamed it--everything sounds like me! I wish I could catch you or at least kicked Hell in the snout for laughing!

    Please stop thinking you were stupid! You were doing what you did all your life--taking care of business! I don't know why that happened to you but I know in my heart it didn't happen because you were the strong spirit you are and always will be!

    1. Veronica-
      WHEW!!! Thats me taking a DEEP breath-these words coming from you are just as Haunting for me! I can't even start to tell you the impact these words are having on me-I knew it was important to finally Tell my Story-laying it out there, having to recall the Fall, the PAIN showing up and Laughing at me-because in those first seconds of Meeting Pain up close-I had NO idea of what lay ahead of me-and to know it will be with me always.

      I feel compelled to say this- I truly have probably told my husband I AM SORRY over a thousand times during all these years, him sitting beside me as I recovered from surgery after surgery, him holding me as I sobbed with the reality of Pain never leaving me. One day He sat me down and told me "Martha-STOP saying I AM SORRY!" He let me know that we are in this together-sink or swim, run or fall-we will walk this path together.

      My Daddy told me one time "Sister, you are the Son I never had" and I knew what he meant-although he had two strong sons and yet here was a little girl who was determined to work just as hard as her Daddy. Yet my Dad would have been the first to tell me "Listen Sister, You stay OUT of those Trees!" I had every possible warning-and yet just as you said, I allowed my hard head to push forward and climb that tree.

      But Veronica-I want to say this from the heart-My falling from the Tree could have been just one horrible nightmare-and my life being just a person sitting and being wrapped in Pain. By the Grace of God-HE has guided me toward this Blogging process and my dear-meeting you-has truly been one of my biggest blessings ever.

      I think about Diane, who I first reached out to -it was a huge step for me and she is always going to be a vital part of my life.

      You have honored me in the most precious way-Your words have poured over me, and helped me understand I just had a really bad accident.

      Now-Please promise me-STAY AWAY FROM CLIMBING TREES!

      All my love dear Veronica. God is truly in your heart. martha

  2. Here is the story of that day which ushered in the Pain. I have to echo what Veronica said...... "I am a conqueror too, acting like a man most times." I am someone who is so impatient, I could not wait too. There were so many times, I did chores which I have delegated to my husband out of impatience for it to be done away with. I fixed electrical things, I changed burnt out bulbs, I perch on chairs to reach for things and to fix things on the ceiling. And every time, I say, "hey Mike, I did it myself..... because it took you a long time to fix it.

    One time, because I was the fix-it-all guy, I perched on a plastic chair to fix my clothes line..... for the suds I made from washing outside our house (we do washings manually sometimes... with bubbly basins and we get all wet), and I did not bother drying my feet.... so I slipped on the plastic chair, fell on my butt..... it was a blessing the chair was only a foot and a half high. I didn't move immediately feeling my butt.... I have heart that if you fell with your older bones, which are brittle already, it would not heal like when you were younger. I was terrified too. A neighbor helped me up and I jog for a bit to feel the spinal cord.... if there were broken bones.... OH GOD, I breathed out a prayer of thanksgiving, I did not break anything. But it has deterred me from climbing without thinking again.

    Oh, I am sorry Martha. I am again telling my own story. It was only an accident and good that you have been emotionally healed and has moved on with a resolved never to be beaten by pain. It is so humbling to accept your situation and I do thank the Lord that Matt is with you in the journey no matter what.

    And you so brave to tell of what really happened and so honest to bare to us that you were like me, headstrong most of the time and impatient plus the determination to fix-it-all.

    Your warning to other people, who are most likely to conquer trees....is a good cause to alert them of the possible pain it would leave them after a fall.

    Martha, I don't want to question God about the logic of the Chronic Pain you have to bare every second of your life. I will just accept it and trust God all the way. I pray for you every moment your name springs forth in my mind. I think about the struggles you have to undertake and summon every strength you have to overcome PAIN.

    "You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry." (Ps. 10:17)

    "I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." (Isa 41:13)

    I love you, Martha, in the love of our Lord, and am always lifting you up to Him for comfort and strength. LOLITA

    1. Lolita-

      I am yet again amazed at the number of "take charge" women who push ahead, with a fierce determination the job ahead of them will get done, no matter what it takes. Hearing that you fell from a chair-my heart skipped a beat because people really do not understand the amount of damage a fall can do to the body. It felt as if God were telling me "Martha-you must let people know exactly what happened" and just as I said, my prayer is for my mistake to never be repeated again. The Pain I deal with is something I truly would NOT wish on my worst enemy!

      One of your scriptures seemed to jump off the page at me "I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you,Do not Fear, I will help you!" I know God was with me that day-as a fall of that height should have easily resulted in me having a broken hip, leg-anything, and the final Blow to my butt was somehow cushioned by HIS loving Hand being there.

      This is now the third night that I have been awakened from sleep, because the Pain is yelling at me, keeping me from much needed rest. I know the reason-PAIN is demanding to grab my attention-and all I can do is walk around, sit here at a hour when a lot of folks are sleeping, and quietly battle this out.

      God bless you for praying for me and especially asking God to give me all the strength possible so I can cope with this. It was NOT easy going back to that awful day-and as I wrote about it, truly it felt like I was right there, and recalling how hard I had to crawl-a simple crawl to reach a phone-well just a very painful memory.

      I asked my husband tonight "So what do you really think about me doing this Blogging-and meeting all these amazing people?" Lolita-that man of mine-he never ceases to amaze-as he paused to collect his thoughts and said "Martha-I see your Blogging as a way for you to SILENCE the Pain-it doesn't leave your Body, but it leaves Your MIND while you blog and share your story with so many other people!" He is right-as always-because I can see it myself-as I reach out through WORDS-my own WORDS-speaking them as God watches over my shoulder!

      Thank you Lolita-for this amazing post-filled with spiritual love for me and to know that a person so far away from me is praying to God, speaking my name and asking him "Help Martha God"-well Lolita-that is more than I could ever dare ask for. I feel extremely blessed and know-HE will help me walk my Pain Journey.

      I love you my sweet Lolita-and please know I speak your name also, and I continue to marvel at how powerful a prayer can be.

      God bless you and keep you in His embrace.


  3. Oh, my Martha...Just reading the details, I hurt for you. I cannot imagine that you went through all that and did not go to the hospital. Why did you not go?

    Oh, Martha...I'm so very sorry this happened to you. Thank you for sharing your story of this life-changing, catastrophic event. I'm so glad that tree is now gone!

    I send you a great big hug, you strong-willed, courageous woman!

    1. Oh Diane-
      Just pure blind stubborn pride inside me kept my fingers from dialing the phone for EMS that day! My brain was saying "Well if you go to the hospital, MATT will know what you did!" That was the last thing I wanted to happen-as he had been after me to NOT climb that tree-he had begged me that morning to JUST WAIT.

      But I didn't-and now here I am-and struggling away with daily Chronic Pain! I don't know if it was as simple as Martha thinking she could do anything put before her-or me wanting to show Matt-"Heh-see what I managed to get done!" I will forever carry the "sorrow and anger" that fell on his face the day I finally told him about the fall. We both knew-our lives would never be the same again-that lovely "freedom" was gone and now we had to cope with Chronic Pain-never dreaming just how far the Battle would go!

      I have learned so many lessons, one being to not let myself stay in the Pity Room too long-and as I have said many times-if just ONE person reads my story, and it keeps them from climbing a tree, putting their life near the edge of disaster-then my Fall-and all this Pain-it has been worth something. I never want anybody to suffer with a Pain like this.

      Strange-this morning at church-a man who is fairly new to the church, but has some realization that I battle Pain, leaned over and asked me "Can you tell me what your Pain feels like?" I felt Matt getting tense and thinking "Dear God, please help her remember she is sitting in YOUR house!"

      I did and told the man "do you know what a cattle prod is? Okay-its got a burning charge to it, forcing the cow to move away from that feeling! Now-imagine a Cattle Prod being attached to your Butt, Leg and Foot, 24 hours a day! That is what my pain feels like!"

      He could not look at me-I think the image of that Pain got a bit too close for him. I was not rude-just bone-hard honest.

      BLess you Diane for your love and prayers. I do ask all the dear women of our COF to PLEASE say a prayer for me-that I can come through this next procedure and it will make the Burn go away!

      Love and blessings to you! Martha

  4. I don't see the othe comments here...I wonder why...

    1. Diane-
      I am so computer DUMB-maybe i hit a wrong button-here on my screen it does show a comment from Veronica, Lolita, and you!

      But Sheryl is my Local "lets fix Martha computer errors" and I will get her to check into it..

      Yet I find myself thinking-"Now who would want to read about some old Texas Gal falling out of a Tree?" Well-I WOULD! My story brings a ton of painful memories back-and then I think-now What has Martha learned from this?

      Of all my lessons taught to me after this happened-the One that stays with me forever- "Lean on God-especially when I feel as if the next step is simply too much for me to take-thats when I lean even closer and realize, God has me in HIS arms-HE is right beside me-watching over me!

      Maybe its exhaustion, something, but I really began having a sense of deep inner Fear about my procedure in the morning! It seemed to keep growing- and I forced myself to make church this morning-would have been so EASY to stay in my chair but my heart was telling me "Martha-it might help you to also HEAR HIM today!"

      I did and feel more at ease.

      Here is an example of Martha's "weather predictor"-late yesterday the local tv channel showed some storms that were hundreds of miles from here and were saying we would NOT see a drop of RAIN.
      My BODY was screaming just the opposite to me and as I got in bed, all i know is Martha's Butt-ro-meter suddenly went into over-drive and I was twisting, turning, wiggling, anything to make that intense burning STOP. Matt is watching this and suddenly asks "martha-what in God's Name is WRONG? Your leg is all over the place!"

      Diane-if you ever saw the movie "Forrest Gump" there is a scene where the military friend of his whose leg was blown off-is sitting at the top of the sails, and a massive storm is blowing all around! He shakes his fist at God and says "Come On God-its you and me-lets have a showdown-do you call THIS a storm?" Think I got most of those words right and at that moment, a hurricane showed up-GOD.

      So before I could utter a word back at Matt to Explain the torture he was watching with my LEG-I swear to you-GOD SHOWED UP.
      There was a Massive Load of Thunder-and I just LOOKED at my husband-there was NO need for me to say a word! He looks back at me and says "Guess I better go put the vehicles under the shed!"

      When he came back in, joyfully announcing it was RAINING-I had already fallen to sleep! I think God showed up last night and HE gave me a full complete Night of SLEEP!!!! So i had to thank HIM this morning at church.

      Matt stayed up and told me it was one of the most impressive lightning displays he had EVER seen!!!

      It was amazing!!!!

      Sorry I got off track but had to share this with you!
