Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Having to face my Shallow Bucket!

Each morning I get up with my body aching, letting me know Pain has not left-instead it allowed me a few hours of sleep and is always ready to join me as I find my way through the day.  I had a Dental appointment this morning-never a fun place to be but My Dentist is caring and realizes how much Pain I live with-so he works very hard to not cause me any further Pain.

I was waiting for his question "Are you wearing your Night Guard to ease the Grinding you are doing?"  My eyes did not meet his as I sat looking down, feeling like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar-but the Dentist showed no sign of letting the issue go away.  He waited patiently-no words being spoken-as I finally looked up at him, glaring as I said "No-so there, You have the Answer!"  I was a bit shocked to feel this much frustration, and really couldn't get a good handle on why I was acting this way.

My anger pushed forward as I rattled off a list of symptoms that shout "This Gal is really Grinding her Teeth" and words began tumbling out "I couldn't chase the Chickens yesterday, Pain is with me all the time, My Sciatic Nerve Burn is trying to Roar back to life, and well-guess you get the picture!"  Little did I know, God was showing up to send me a message-there was a long pause and then he started:

 "Martha-you don't have a Full Bucket of Energy, the sweet Technician sitting  beside you-well she has a Full Bucket and can grab a handful of energy to tackle something without any trouble!  My Bucket is Half Full-and I have learned how many times I can reach inside-but Your Bucket is very Shallow-every Bump you hit, every time your Pain screams at you, there is very little Energy left in your Bucket to help you bounce back!

I wanted to scream "Do you understand how Hard it is to have a Shallow Bucket?" But I knew it was time to listen and be open so the words could sink into my heart.   How could my Dentist know the exact words to say, realizing their heavy Weight and yet cared enough to help me hear them!  Silence filled the room-Tears were ready to flow-but as usual, I pushed them down and asked "Well-it sounds like you are telling me it might be a good idea if I just learned how to Chill out a bit more than I do!"  A huge smile exploded across his face as he said "Yes!"

Its not fun to face the facts-but sometimes we just have to do it!  I asked my dear Husband one question tonight-"Can you tell me One Thing You miss seeing in me since I have been in Pain?" He paused, taking a second to be sure I wanted to hear his answer, and said "I miss your Smile!" It took a lot for 
him to say the words and I knew-its true-I do not Smile as much-because the Battle is Hard and after all, I do indeed have a Shallow Bucket-but by the grace of God, I still have my Bucket around!

Tonight as I sit here at my computer, my Joy moment arrived-as I looked up to see a Poster hanging on the wall, reminding me of my motto "Pain Won't Beat Me" helping me to see past the Pain!  There is no easy secret on how to cope with Chronic Pain-but please know, you are Not Alone and I do pray each day for all who are suffering.

God bless. Martha


  1. Shallow bucket or full bucket, you are still a Champion who. daily, rises above the pain! Keep on going, Martha!

    1. Oh Diane-
      Thank you-I am truly having a very LOW spot right now. This is a very tough wall I have hit-but as you say, I will RISE above it-as I reach for the hand of God to carry me through right now..

      Your words help me, believe me. For me to ADMIT how rough this is-well guess I am realizing-yes, Pain is rough to live with.

      Love you sweet Friend. Martha

  2. Oh Martha, I hear you my sister. To wait for relief and not get it fully is enough to drive the smiles away. How sweet you husband loves your smile so much that he would miss it when it's not there.

    I too feel covered over with a list of ailments that have left my immune system so low and my emotional system even lower. Been there before at the wall, there now but like you am determined to get past it. Praise God you are reaching out Martha...you don't have to reach far, He came down to Calvary for you. Praying my friend.

    1. Betty-
      Well I sit here trying to make my fingers move and find words to express how deeply you have touched my heart-and my eyes are filled with tears! First I am saddened to know you have been at the WALL too-where you feel so dang low and it is scary-because you don't want to stay in this place-but fear is inside and makes me wonder-okay, now I still have enough in me to pull back up-RIGHT?

      Part of me thought about emailing my COF's-and pouring it out of me, begging for Prayers and then it hit me-I really don't have to reach that far! My heart is so filled with emotions-thinking about the wall Jesus faced for everyone-even me!

      So God bless you dear friend-without doubt-you heard my heart, loud and clear! I know Matt is here for me to lean on, but I watch him keeping an eye on me and I wonder-is he afraid? So I do everything to find my way back.

      I don't know how to say a Proper Thank You-but God bless you dear lady! Thanks for caring. Martha

  3. Martha...I am back. I let my computer to watch a little tv with my son and husband. They were at the end of the movie about the first black underwater diver for the Navy. He lost a leg and after much hard work with his atifical leg he ask to be re-instated. The test was to walk fully suited in the heavy divers suits they wore back then. In terrible pain he did it and they offically re-instated him.

    This hit my spirit so quick only God could have brought it to me. We walk around in these frail bodies, heavy with pain, sweat, tears, BUT SOMEDAY WE WILL BE RE-INSTATED TO a full glorious body that will hurt no more my sister. It is the one hope we can count on in our dark hours. Our suffering is for a little while...praying more then before. Love Betty

    1. Betty-
      I love it that you are peeking in on me during commercial breaks!! The movie you spoke of is powerful-and as you talk about it, I can see the man so clearly, each pain-filled step he took to prove his body could still work. You are also right-Our suffering is for a little while, and if we can lift our heads, and try a bit harder to keep moving, I know God is there beside each of us-and HIS loving hand steadies our tired steps.

      Thank you, Thank you, Thank you--Praying more than before!

      Pure words of love! I say them right back to you Betty. Never before could i have imagined such a Powerful PRAYER Circle in my life!!! Blessings. I hear your words, Loud and Clear.

      Love, Martha
