Sunday, June 17, 2012

Where is the Miracle Cure for Chronic Pain?

Medicine has advanced greatly, bringing  hope for the treatment of many forms of Cancer, refining Surgery into Band Aide Procedures-allowing Doctors to work with high tech equipment that needs only a small bandage to cover the incision area, so people are able to go home the same day!  I applaud these advances because people are spared longer periods of recovery.

In the early days of my Chronic Pain life-I constantly searched the Web, looking for my personal Miracle Cure to ease the Sciatic Burning, stop the chronic Ache in my Back-short way of saying, I was looking for a way to put me back together-before the Fall from Tree!  There are many cutting-edge techniques for Chronic Pain, giving real Hope for those in this wicked fight.  Yet many others have a complex medical history and not all can be solved by surgery.

Someone asked me recently "Martha, How are you feeling?"  My Husband froze in silent prayer "Oh Lord, here she goes" I paused and said "Well, all I can do right now is take life one day at a time!"  What came next was filled with good intention but lacking true knowledge as I heard "oh don't fret-why you will find a Miracle Cure real soon" and watched my husband walk away, figuring he would wait to repair all "Verbal Damage" done by his wife.

I stood silent-wanting to strike out with angry words and thinking how My Journey with Pain is like a wild river, filled with many bends and twists as the river churns forward.  There are parts of my damaged body that can't be fixed with a Miracle Cure.  I wanted to scream back "I could talk forever, but you can't understand how badly I wish  for a Miracle to float my way!"  Here was a moment for me to give a real Face to Chronic Pain and I gave a short running history of where Pain lives inside my body,  followed with how it might feel to be poked constantly with a Hot Burning Ember!  There was complete silence between us-as I heard the words "I am so sorry this is happening to you." For that brief second, the person did
Hear me and I thanked God for giving me courage to explain Pain-instead of Rage about Pain!

Where is the Miracle Cure in my Pain Journey?  Something tells me its right in front of me-God knows me, and He is leading me forward-helping me to step away from the Pain and reach out to others who are suffering.  I am not a brave person-just a old gal from Texas who looks up each day for help, and its there.

God bless.



  1. Yep! And that is THE miracle that is astounding! That you keep going and looking up! And because you do, I believe I can too! Thank you , dear one!


    1. Judi-
      I KNOW you can-my dear your words give Me encouragement to push ahead! My dear uncle endured years of the same Pain you must face each day and he was such a caring man. I never heard him complain about the Pain-thats courage!

      You are strong and yes-we all have our rough times-where we do hit the WALL-and all I can say is God has truly blessed me with meeting women with faith, courage and Love in their hearts!

      You keep looking up my friend. So shall I....


  2. Love how you describe your pain, "like a wild river". I know for sure I have been an angry wild river so many times, wore out from fighting surges of pain.

    Right now I am doing pretty good....three days ago it was awful. Why am I doing good...have no idea...unless it is a super natural touch...I know you have had them too and oh when they come you just pray they stay. But for me they don't and then I get thrown into the "wild river" again.

    I think you are on to something though. Giving of oneself to others is good meds...thanks for giving. Blessings

    1. Betty-
      For me-its the other way around-just as I told Judi-the blessing I now have in knowing such fine women-YOU are one of them and I hear your Faith clearly, know your heart is filled with love and realize, we are all so HUMAN-every bit of this gives me hope, and a deeper
      courage to keep going.

      I am touched that you picked up on the giving of oneself to others-something about that really hits home and helps me, more than I can describe right now.

      So happy to hear you had some good days-grab them and enjoy!!

      Take care Betty. BLess you. Martha

  3. Why, yes, you are both true Judi and you Martha... as well as Betty, you all are.

    It is the very new day that dawns, in every step you take, pain and all... because each morning brings new mercies and blessings, each step take you forward...... and you are encouraging others who are walking the same path.

    You may not be brave, as you say, but you are strong..... in will, in heart and in mind.... and you are humble before our God, who knows what you are going through..... as HE gives you new joys in each day and each step... even thinking of others' concerns above all this.

    God bless you today, Martha, with my love and prayers.

    1. Lolita-
      What a perfect LIGHT you are helping to shine upon Chronic Pain! I am thrilled at how your heart is so open, allowing you to express your words, telling all of us how you view Chronic Pain-its amazing to read your perspective and my goodness-You got it Lolita!!!

      Being Brave as we fight Chronic Pain-oooohh, well I don't think of myself as Brave-instead just the opposite-there are many times when I just want to curl up on the bed,close my eyes and keep praying as I beg God, "Please help me get through this next moment!"

      HE hears each prayer that is spoken and I then have days where Pain seems to have settled back down to a low HUM--those are wonderful days and I cherish them.

      I loved your words about "encouraging others who are walking the same path"-I know how lonely this battle gets, and to just READ words from another person who is suffering, hearing how they are getting through the day-gives me HOPE.

      God Bless you Lolita-your heart is truly open to the Lord and I am blessed to know you.


  4. To my sisters, in the inner circle we are in together, I know Martha is right. It is in getting outside of ourselves - to think of others, pray for others, or do for others - that we endure and find the strength to carry on. As Max Lucado says, "It's Not About Me!"

    I'm so proud of you Martha - that you "bridled your tongue" as it says in James. You had the opportunity to allow pain to cause you to rage at that woman or to calmly explain your situation. And you did what Jesus would do.

    You did Jesus proud and Matt proud!

    1. Diane-
      Well I can say this-Matt did let out a huge Sigh of Relief,after hearing me tell him the words i Did use! He said "Martha-I am proud of you-God is Too!!" My heart sang!!!

      Believe me, its HARD to step away from our Pain battle-so we can reach to help someone else, if its simply a light pat on the shoulder, or a few words to say "I wish this wasn't happening to you, and I will say a prayer for you!" Something tells me when we allow ourselves to accept the Love of Others, God is glowing and His Heavenly Love covers our aching pains.

      Thank you Diane-for these loving words. I am honored to be one of such a group of amazing Women-my life is blessed beyond words.

      Love and blessings, Martha
