Friday, June 22, 2012

Pain Comments from around the World.....

Its easy to get Stuck in our own "Pain Zone" when Pain feels over-powering to us as each day is filled with finding ways to Cope, Move, and not lose Hope.  The past few days have given me another Lesson-as I keep learning Chronic Pain doesn't stay Fixed in one place of our body-created by God.  The Body has a major Coping System-When one area is struggling against Pain,  we feel sudden Pain in areas that never hurt-strained muscles, Neck Spasms, body parts are unlimited-yet Chronic Pain goes On and On.

One of my Pain Friends, Betty put it clearly-"We have hit the Wall again" tough words filled with aching Truth. Its delightful to have days of feeling "human" but Pain is quietly waiting to send misery flying through my body, and no matter how stubborn I am- Pain forces me to Stop!  

There is only One way to describe this process-its Ugly!  Yet we are still filled with Emotions-bringing another Lesson our way-Just stay Calm-or as my dear Heh Husband puts it, "Martha- take it down a notch or twenty!"  He is right- the past two days have given me a Long Stomach Ache-all brought on by getting upset with an Insurance Issue.

Insurance Battles and Chronic Pain are Close Cousins-as both seem to have no Face as I  am begging-
"Listen I am Human-pause from seeing the Condition and Listen to the Person!"  Nice Dream to have-but one that will never come to life. Yesterday I felt very alone and not able to put any of this into words-when a thought hit me-"I wonder how people cope with Chronic Pain in other countries" knowing there are many areas where medical help seems like a dream to people!  I turned to the Internet, looking for Pain Blogs, simple words written by those who are suffering so far away from this place I call home.  The Search was too Fast with answers that caused my heart to break.

Within seconds the Familiar language of Chronic Pain comments was right in front of me-coming from all over the world-Norway, UK, Italy, Israel, France, Numerous Islands in the Pacific, Russia-the list was endless.  Here are some of their Words:

"Being in Pain makes me feel Helpless, I Can't Remember what it feels like to Not Be in Pain, I feel so much Older because of Pain, There are days when the Pain is so bad, I wonder how to keep moving." I pushed away from my Computer and wanted to Sob-these words are all to familiar to me and then I prayed-asking God to please bring seconds of Relief to all who are fighting with Chronic Pain.

My stomach started easing-as I understood why-I stepped away from My Pain to let my heart go out to countless faces in far away places who suffer each day, trying so hard to find seconds of Joy in life!  We are Kindred Spirits-brought together by Chronic Pain, Strangers in many ways-yet the Blessing of Prayer is right in front of us.  So today-pause for a few seconds as you ask for God's Loving Hand to stretch across the world, bringing Comfort to all who are walking the Long Journey with Chronic Pain.

God Bless you.  Martha


  1. "I stepped away from My Pain to let my heart go out to countless faces in far away places who suffer each day, trying so hard to find seconds of Joy in life!" I LOVE that!!!

    1. thank you dear Veronica....
      Reading about people suffering with Pain so far away-just seemed to bring them all closer to me.

      One Comment I left out hit me the hardest and RANG true-
      "I would spend all my Money on Pain Treatment if I knew it could work!"

      Meaning-well you got it. Chronic Pain takes you to "The WALL" (Betty) and then slams you HARD... I mean HARD......

      Veronica-your comments mean so much to me..

      Bless you dear friend. Martha

  2. Yes, I echo Veronica. There you are in your own Pain and you search all over the world to look into the different faces pain abroad-so far and all reaching out to the pain community.

    I so admire you in that, Martha. You think of others in pain. You are true, especially here in our third world..... medicine and medical facilities are luxuries to us. We dread getting sick for if you check into the hospital, even in life-saving seconds, if you can't put up with a deposit, no one will put you to that needed oxygen or blood transfusion...... you just die in the emergency hall.

    Yes, go always for your moments of joy. I beg you also to cast out the giver of pain...... "He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world!" Remember Job? The devil challenged God over the faith of Job.... and only for testing, God allowed the devil to give Job all circumstances of ails.... body, family, wealth ... to the point of near death.... but the devil has no power over anything that God doesn't allow. Job emerged victorious and healed and restored to the fullest.

    We will pray every moment for that to come to you, Martha. I believe God will have something soon and He has a mighty plan for you.

    God bless you today, and Matt and all the chickens and farm animals you have. They all bring life and joy to you, + your COF. We love you and keeping you in our clasped hands before the One who holds the Universe, He too is holding us!

    I bless this net community. IF not for this, I won't be able to know you and the others who bless me and I in return can bless. Let us continue to pray for each other-build each other-uplift each other..... to the end until the Perfecter of our faith, will make us whole in our true Home.

    1. Lolita-
      A true woman of the deepest FAITH--oh my dear lady-how you can put it all in such loving terms, helping ME to understand my Pain.

      JOB-oh my God-how he was tested-his Faith-and he stayed the course, and faced the tests. Never losing his Faith.

      My Moma had a unique way of teaching me about the wiles of the Devil when I was a very small child-she would say "Now Daughter-listen close-that ole Devil comes sneaking around to mess you up! You just stand up and YELL at him 'DEVIL-YOU GO SIT ON A TACK and ROTATE!!!" Yes-then she said "Now you know how SHARP a tack is-just imagine how that is going to HURT as that Devil Rotates!!"

      Lolita-to this very day, I have moments when I start to feel lost and I lean back and YELL out those words from so long ago! Amazing the Relief I feel=instantly!!

      I felt the need to "look past" my Pain and search others out, wanting to learn how they cope! The results were sobering-and to hear your words on hospital care in your area and the need of MONEY-it breaks my heart...

      The Blogging community has brought such joy to my life-it takes me Past the daily Pain and I relish meeting all of you and know-I now have so many NEW friends that are there for me-and I am there for them too.

      Only Lolita-such an ANGEL can put such words of beauty to the ones I struggle to post!! You humble me each time I hear from you.

      I thank you God for bringing LOLITA into my life!

      love always, Martha

  3. This is just like you, Martha to reach out - no matter how far away...Praise God, you will be a blessing to them in your love-filled words and your prayers!

    God bless you!

    1. Diane-
      Well I don't know if anybody will see my words about Pain-meaning those who live so far away. But wait- LOLITA-that doubting question got answered quickly for me! What would we all do without precious Lolita-teaching us all about life on her"side of the world!"

      Something just pushed me to "let my fingers do the hunting"-I was
      stunned by the results. Chronic Pain is everywhere-and so many have No hope of ever finding relief-seems it all depends on what part of the world you live in. Heart-breaking to say the least.

      Hearing about how others are suffering pushes me forward to keep sharing words about the Pain I deal with each day and how I lean on God for HELP......

      Thank you for these loving words. You always touch my heart.

      Love to you, dear friend. Martha

    2. I know what you mean. I can't imagine my life without any of you guys now. Truly. I love you, too, dear friend!
