Saturday, June 30, 2012

"July 04th-comes too early"

 I hear sounds of "Early" Fireworks-the stands are open- the race is on for days of non-stop  Fireworks Displays. This date-July 04, 1990 is always with us, there is no place to run or hide
from the memories of the nightmare we faced that day.......

The Phone rang too Early, it couldn't be my Husband- he had just left for work, yet a sense of dread filled me as I answered the call.  It was from a Police Lieutenant, wanting to know where my husband was.  Something in his voice had my attention as I started demanding "What is Wrong with My Husband?"  His tone lightened, as he assured me all was fine, but he needed to speak with Matt.  The nerves in my stomach tightened- Something was Very Wrong and I begged him to have my husband call me when he got to the Station.

Minutes were dragging by-the clock read 4:45am-nothing made sense- the phone rang again, I grabbed it while praying "Please God let my Husband be alright" but it was my Sister-in-law, asking if "Mom" had spent the night with us- my Mother-in-law would visit us often but not this day.  Her next words sent chills through me-"Oh the Alarm Place called, they are saying the Alarm System at Mom's house is going off but she isn't answering the phone!"  

I lost track of her words-as I started piecing calls together-feeling sick with Fear- I tried to ease her fears, promising to call her if I heard any further news.  She told me her oldest Brother had already left for his Mom's house-a voice was screaming inside my heart- "Pray Hard-Don't Stop!"  I hung the phone up, only to hear it ring again- my Husband's words were choppy, fast, sharp as he said"Martha-something has happened to Mom!  I don't know what is wrong but I have to go now!"

The phone fell from my hand, and I started sobbing  "Dear God, Please be with Mom!"  I knew-God was right beside her! It seemed as if time had stopped-and one final call from my dear husband was the
was the Beginning of our Heartbreak as he choked out words-no Son should have to speak                    
                                                            "Martha, Mom is dead!"

We learned a "Repeat Offender" who had been in and out of the Prison System-broke into her home, ransacked the house, then severely beat and stabbed my beloved Mother-in-law Six times.  He was caught that morning, and confessed to killing her, and is in Prison for the rest of his life.

Why did this happen to a Woman who was filled with love for all,  reminding us each night "Before you Go to Sleep, Make sure you Say your Prayers!" Heaven has one very  Special Angel who watches over us.

The Fourth of July will never be easy for us-but by the Grace of God, we keep finding our way through, as we choose to recall the good memories of "Aggie."  She taught me about God's amazing Love every second I was with her.

I will miss her forever.....  God bless everyone, especially "Victims of Violent Crime."  Martha


  1. You wrote this post so well, Martha, pulling me into your scene. I had a nervous stomach just reading...

    I'm so sorry for this horrific, savage crime that entered your lives and stole Aggie's life. I ache for you and Matt. Please know I will be holding you close to my heart as I did last year.

    Wow...we've known each other that long already....

    1. Diane-
      Its hard for me to explain, speaking of that Dark day seems to help a bit as the date draws closer. I can't begin to imagine all of Matt's Emotions-but we both know "Aggie" is with God and HE was with Her! We draw deep comfort from that..

      "Aggie" would probably say- "Oh Martha-tell them some Good things-not the bad!" Let's see:

      A-Amazing beyond words!
      G-Godly-Full of God's Grace!
      G-Gracious-Grace surrounded her!
      I-Ingenious-wise beyond her years-but never showing it.
      E-Eloquent-Being around Aggie was a Gift-she gave all of herself.

      How could it be any better? This is just a piece of my feelings for being blessed to have crossed this wonderful woman's path. She opened her arms and made me feel so loved. I think she would be very happy to see me Blogging and meeting such amazing Women-like YOU my dear friend. Yes-a full YEAR has passed,and I couldn't begin to imagine NOt having you in my life.

      BLess you for these loving words. Bless you for allowing me to open up and share the moments of that dark day.

      all my love, martha

  2. Martha,
    How it breaks my heart to read this. I cannot begin to imagine how horribly your family suffered...beyond anything I can imagine.

    Your only saving grace...was just that. Thank God.

    Evil is alive and well...but what can man do? They can take our bodies, but not our souls...what joy it will be to see Aggie again!

    Praying for your tender hearts at this time,


    1. Judi-
      God bless you for these precious words of spirit-filled LOVE. You said it- "Our Saving Grace-God!" No better way to put it.

      We have made many strides-knowing our beloved "Aggie" is by her Heavenly Father and watching over us!

      But we are human-and our hearts miss her glorious Smile!

      BLess you for caring and leaving us words of love!


  3. What words are there for such as this? I remember violent midnight knocking of police at our door when I was just about to turn 16... and the horrific news to follow, changing my family forever. But God was with us as I know He was with your family and Aggie, most of all. I think you are right about her voice to you now...from the side of Heaven... God bless you and your husband with sweet memories of her smile, Martha, this holiday. And the joy of knowing her heart dances with His this moment... have you ever read the book "Heaven is for Real?" Someone lent it to me last fall. The true story of a little 4 year old boy who "went to heaven." It's a real heart-lifter, especially for those of us who have lost loved ones...

    1. Pam-
      First of all-I am heartbroken to know you suffered through a tragedy of this nature-It does change a family-everyone is impacted and the change is permanent. Some can make strides toward finding Peace, while others will struggle forever. There simply is NO answer to WHY these things happen.

      Your words are so loving Pam-I am deeply moved by them and so thankful for you!

      I have not read the Book you mentioned but will be looking for it. You are right-we All need a heart-lifter....

      God bless you Pam. I pray HE keeps holding you up and I do believe Aggie is a "voice" for me now. But Lord How I do miss her!

      Love, Martha

  4. Thank you, Martha... I'm so sorry for what you have gone through too. There are long term things that happen in any situation like that, but God has healed... That book is very simply written and a quick read. I gave it to a friend whose fiance died this past December, and she told me it really gave her peace. Not that she didn't already believe as we do...just a deep encouragement. It made me think of heaven in a deeper way...and how one day we will be reunited...especially now that my Mom is there too. Bless you, too! I'm thankful for you too... :)

    1. Pam-
      I agree-the wounds to the heart from a Tragedy like this-well they are always there. But God does give us the choice of either remaining in Grief forever-or finding our path toward HIM and letting our PAIN go, as HE carries Us through our journey.

      The "Blogging" World is amazing-such a loving way of sharing. I am so thankful for all the blessings sent my way. You, dear Pam are one of those Special Blessings.

      I pray your Holiday will be peaceful.

      Love, Martha

  5. What a loving tribute to HH's mother! Obviously, she did a great job raising her son. And what a gift you were to her, Martha.

    I'm praying for you today as you undergo your procedure. I'm with you in spirit. Love to you!

    1. Diane-
      Oh my goodness-what a blessing I have in your friendship! Thank you for the Loving Words of Aggie doing a Great Job in raising HH!!!

      That made her SMILE!!!

      The procedure went better-and now I have to rest.

      All my love, Martha

  6. Yes, as Judy says, evil is alive and well.

    Those terrifying faces of evil, if we are exposed to them, they change us and families..... but never can they take our soul.

    I feel for your pain, yours and Matt's and his beloved family, over the loss of one loving Mom. And the 4th of July, with all its fireworks, would remember her as such, so dearly loved.... her legacy of love, her gifts, her smiles and memories... will never die. It would stay in your hearts forever.

    My love to you, dear Martha and to you Matt.

    1. Lolita-
      WOW-you said it all-the best part, "Her smiles and Memories will Never Die!" Its so true!! "HH" and I can be talking, a memory will pop up about Aggie and we are BOTH smiling! There is her Love, Joy, and Heavenly Embrace for us!

      I pray for all of Aggie's family as July 04th approaches-I also pray for the Law Enforcement officers who were there on that awful day and stood with Matt-never leaving his side. A true Brother hood!

      I also pray for the countless Victims of crime-as I ask God to be with them, help them "carry" their Pain, and give them the strength to let the Sweet Memories caress their aching hearts.

      All my love to you dear Lolita.


  7. Martha, your mother in law knows true freedom now. The brightness of God is her fireworks, her sparkler is Christ, the sweet Holy Spirit a glow that warm her face as she worships before the throne. Know God will use these memories to touch others, from reading replies it already has. Know God is giving the family strength to make it through the day. Blessings.

    1. Betty-
      Your words come at the perfect TIME!! We are about two hours away from the sun setting and Fireworks will begin! The loving words you sent me, Truly helping me to see the REAL beauty of Aggie-oh how you have touched my heart on this day!

      I agree with you-she has been with each one of her children on this day-offering Heavenly Comfort! What a gift she was to all of us and will continue being.

      You my dear Betty-God has enriched my life with YOU!

      Blessings to you dear friend.

